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Writer's pictureJames McMaster

The Devil- Lord or Loser?

Despite what many people may think the Bible doesn’t give us a lot of information about the devil (especially if, like me, you don’t see Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 as referring to him). It would seem that he started life as a holy angel created by God. However, in utter madness, he instigated an angelic rebellion against God. Hence we now have Satan and his legion of demons. Their mission is very simple; destroy all that God has made, distort all that God has made beautiful, poison all that God has made good and pure. More specifically, Satan’s master stroke was to ensnare man in disobedience to God which led to people becoming his captives.

The good news is that Jesus, God’s Son, met and utterly defeated Satan at Calvary. Christ did this by dying for the sins of all of his people on the cross, and as this was the root of the devil’s power Satan was left biting the dust. Before dying on the cross Jesus predicted that, by what He was going to do, He would cast him out. Praise God that through His death and resurrection Jesus won a mighty and eternal victory and Satan was sent packing!

However, for you to enter into and experience this victory in your life you must be linked by faith to Jesus. The hard truth is that since mankind brought sin into this world- the Bible states that, whether you know it or not, every person born into this world has been born into Satan’s kingdom. It is unspeakably sobering to think that all who choose to remain in the Devil’s Kingdom will also share the Devil’s destiny. Why would anyone choose to remain in cursed and crumbling kingdom when there is freedom, peace and joy under Jesus’ reign? The Bible tells us-For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

So today are you a slave of Satan or a liberated child of God?

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