I am sure that we have all asked that question as we listen to the latest news; two boys accused of raping and murdering another child who previously had been relentlessly bullied, kids have acid thrown over them, Christians being blown to pieces as they meet to celebrate Easter, etc, etc.
It sure does look like this world is going completely crazy and out of control.
But evil only has a short season. One day it will be called to account and come to an end. The Bible says a day is coming when God will gather in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth. It is a very beautiful picture of restored order and peace when evil, be it in terms of angels or men, will be completely knocked out of the game. At that point all who are left will be united under Christ’s rule to enjoy fullness of life everlasting.
THAT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY! Make sure that you are part of that end of time reality! The only way to be united under Christ’s rule then is to be savingly united with Him by faith now.