The disciples had had a tough and rather discouraging night. They had fished it through and caught nothing...The mood is grim. As the dawn breaks a stranger on the beach tells them to cast the net on the other side of the boat. A strange request as, by the law of logic, this should have made absolutely no difference. But to the great surprise of the men they bring in an absolutely massive catch!
Quick on the uptake John says to Peter ‘it is the Lord’. True to form Peter jumps overboard and swims to shore to find that breakfast is going to be served up by Christ himself. It must be noted that this was shortly after Christ’s death- when the disciples had both denied and forsaken Him- and His resurrection- even then the disciples had been exceedingly slow to be willing to believe.
What is so absolutely beautiful about the episode is that there is no word of rebuke, no stinging correction, no condemnation from the Lord. Rather, He did what He always did and lovingly took care of His weary men, showering them with His blessings.
‘Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest’ is still Christ’s invitation to a sin-sick world. Isn’t it about time you had a meal with Jesus? Make sure that He is not a stranger in your life!