Jesus Christ once made a stupendous statement; ‘I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my Name He will give you’.
This sure is a promise to take to the bank! We must understand that in coming to the Father in prayer there is only one name that counts- the Name of the one and only ‘go between’ which can connect ourselves and God- our Lord Jesus Christ. This is one role that no saint or religious superstar can perform. Not even the blessed and holy mother of Jesus can do this job as only Jesus died to deal with the sins of the world.
To pray in Jesus’ Name is to pray in the confidence that his sin bearing death on the cross is all-sufficient to buy your acceptance with God and the answer to your every prayer.
I should also say that, thankfully, God isn’t bound to give me my foolish every desire (I know in my heart, that if I won the lotto tomorrow it could be the worst thing that ever happened to me) but He mercifully delights to give me what I need.
Isn’t it time you started asking for God’s most special gifts? Things like forgiveness, peace with God, joy in Jesus and strength for everyday life.
Ask and you will receive!